The Mount Barker Dental Centre is now operating under Level 1 restrictions. This means we are able to carry out all aspects of dental treatment, while still adhering to our strict Covid-19 screening and social distancing practices. (This is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all of our valued patients and staff.)
As of 23 December 2020 people visiting the dentist are no longer required to wear masks. However, the please make sure that you check in before entering the clinic using our SA Gov QR code (or by filling out the required form).
I’m Still Feeling Unsure About My Treatment? What Steps Are In place To Reduce COVID Risks?
As registered health professionals, we are staying up to date with recommendations on how we should manage the risks of COVID. A few of the measures we have taken to ensure your safety are as follows, however if you have any other concerns, please call and talk to a team member to help discuss your individual treatment and needs:
- Removing magazines and toys from the waiting room
- Ensuring that social distancing is maintained in the waiting room and reception counter
- Using a special mouth wash which eliminates viruses from the mouth prior to treatment
- Not seeing patients who have been in contact with a confirmed or suspected COVID-19 case, nor people who are showing cold or flu symptoms
- Providing hand sanitation prior to patients entering the building
- Ensuring that personal protective equipment used in the clinic is, as usual, medical grade and approved by the Therapeutic Goods Association of Australia
- Disinfecting the clinic several times per day with viracidal disinfectants
- Ensuring that staff are not showing any cold or flu symptoms and haven’t been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of COVID-19
- Avoiding having extra people in the clinic – please only bring a support person if it is necessary for your treatment or decision making