The Mount Barker Dental Centre is now operating under Level 1 restrictions. This means we are able to carry out all aspects of dental treatment, while still adhering to our strict Covid-19 screening and social distancing practices. (This is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all of our … Continue reading
Dental Anxiety
Did you know that dental anxiety is very common? Some studies show that dental anxiety is about 20%, but in some age groups it can be as high as 50% or more depending on their past experiences at the dentist. Anxiety over coming to the dentist can be caused by … Continue reading
What should your child have in their lunchbox?
Back to school means the stress of school lunches. Children go to school approximately 180 days per year – that’s basically 50% of the year! What we pack in their lunch box makes a big difference to their oral health. Nutrition Australia and Victoria Health have made this chart which … Continue reading
Sugars, are they all equal for our teeth?
Did you know there are different types of sugars? Brown sugar, cane sugar, icing sugar often come to mind, but what about other forms of sugars? Sugars are classified as 2 different types: either added sugars, or natural sugars. Added sugars can sneak their way into many foods – tomato … Continue reading
Oral Care Waste & Changing Your Toothbrush
So the question is, how often should we replace our toothbrush? Usually, the recommended time frame is every 3-4 months, however each person is different in the way they use their toothbrush. If you press quite hard, you may need to change your toothbrush a bit sooner than recommended. It … Continue reading
Lemon and Water Detox
There are many resources on line that discuss the benefits of adding lemon slices, or lemon juice to water. Similarily, many people add apple cider vinegar to water. Whilst we don’t aim to prove or disprove this, we do have a concern for your teeth. Lemon is very acidic, and … Continue reading
Hello, Afterpay.
We have great news, we are making it even easier for you to keep up to date with your dental needs. We are now accepting afterpay as a method of payment for your dental treatment – this includes all aspects of dental care that we offer. Delaying dental treatment can … Continue reading
DIY Tooth Whitening – Does it Work?
Do you follow us on facebook? We recently made a post that included a video that discussed DIY tooth whitening kits that you can purchase online. We didn’t do the trial ourselves, so the credit goes to Method Dental for this one – but it is definitely worth a watch! … Continue reading
An update on dental funding for kids
Great news ….. the Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS) will continue in 2017! The CDBS was facing the axe as part of the federal government’s search for budget savings but in mid December its continuation was announced. Even better news was received in February when the federal government announced that … Continue reading
Financial support for our low income patients
Mount Barker Dental Centre has joined the community based Dental No Interest Loan Scheme (NILS) which offers interest free loans between $300 and $1200 to fund your dental treatment. If you have a Health Care Card or your income (after tax) is less than $45000 per year you may be … Continue reading