Did you know that dental anxiety is very common? Some studies show that dental anxiety is about 20%, but in some age groups it can be as high as 50% or more depending on their past experiences at the dentist. Anxiety over coming to the dentist can be caused by … Continue reading
Author: admin
What should your child have in their lunchbox?
Back to school means the stress of school lunches. Children go to school approximately 180 days per year – that’s basically 50% of the year! What we pack in their lunch box makes a big difference to their oral health. Nutrition Australia and Victoria Health have made this chart which … Continue reading
Oral Care Waste & Changing Your Toothbrush
So the question is, how often should we replace our toothbrush? Usually, the recommended time frame is every 3-4 months, however each person is different in the way they use their toothbrush. If you press quite hard, you may need to change your toothbrush a bit sooner than recommended. It … Continue reading
Lemon and Water Detox
There are many resources on line that discuss the benefits of adding lemon slices, or lemon juice to water. Similarily, many people add apple cider vinegar to water. Whilst we don’t aim to prove or disprove this, we do have a concern for your teeth. Lemon is very acidic, and … Continue reading
Happy Chomper, happy kids, happy parents
Our Happy Chomper Kids Club, which is open to all our junior patients (from ages 0 to 17 years), makes a visit to the dentist more enjoyable for kids, while at the same time supporting parents in their quest to develop good oral hygiene habits. We have a Kids’ Zone, … Continue reading
Dental tourism – do your research
Are you considering dental treatment overseas because it is likely to cost less than at home? Have you heard from friends who have ‘had their teeth fixed’ in a developing country ‘for a song’ and had a great holiday at the same time? Before making this choice, you need to … Continue reading